Copper SFP vs Optical SFP: Which One Is the Best to Use?

The war of copper vs fiber has raged for years. Fiber seems to operate as a rival to copper rather than a replacement until now, it has already established a niche in the industry. However, with recent advances in copper technology, the copper presents the same step-ladder upgrade path. The speed difference between the two media is considerably smaller. In some ways, the copper matters most to IT experts and data center decision makers. But many end-user organizations still face tough decision about which type is the best overall value for their current and future projected needs. This battle is also being waged in SFP transceivers , there is a measurable difference in the copper SFP vs optical SFP. This article will explore their respective strengths and weaknesses and reveal insights into how IT experts are to proceed. Copper SFP vs Optical SFP: Copper SFP Is a Balanced Choice in Environment Restrictions The Gigabit RJ45 copper SFP transceiver supports 1000Mbps over Cat5 ca...